Hello friends, it’s me, M2J, sharing with you my experience of going to 6 all women wrestling shows in 8 days.
Tag Archives: wwe
Ronda Rousey Vs. The Bat
Dr. Rod Diamondfire of Chikara Pro

Top 5 Overrated Current WWE Wrestlers
Before reading, realize the difference between “bad” and “overrated,” because those are two very different things. Additionally, some of what is listed below pertains not to the performer, but to bad writing, kayfabe, etc. when noted. Lastly, know that for the last three years, Bray Wyatt would have appeared at number one (again, from a kayfabe perspective), but people seem to finally be catching on about how much this character sucks because the writing staff can’t figure out what to do with him or how to book him properly.
Let’s jump right in…

Photo: Anton Jackson
I am one of the biggest Shield marks you’ll ever meet, which is why it pains me to put Dean on this list. Sure, there have been many flashes of brilliance since the Hounds of Justice disbanded, but it’s too inconsistent. Part of the reason I’ve listed him is of no fault of his own; oftentimes the bookers/writers just don’t give him any interesting stories to work with. They let him stagnate and it is very unfortunate.
The other part is that his in-ring work isn’t as good as people probably think it is. Not that anyone thinks he’s Shawn Michaels, but it’s strange; I think the fact that he came from the indies skews people’s thought process into thinking he’s a really good worker, but most of Ambrose’s matches tend to be the same and easily fast-forwardable. Also, watch his kicks when he sets up moves like Dirty Deeds. There’s about a 50 percent chance that it will miss by a solid two feet.
I love Dean Ambrose, and want more interesting content for him, but I don’t think many people realize just how uninteresting a lot of his post-Shield run as been.

Photo: Miguel Discart
You know what the funny thing is? I actually think The Miz is very underrated.
Wait a minute, how the hell can a guy be overrated AND underrated???
So here’s the thing. For a long time, I’ve felt that Miz was extremely underutilized. As a talker, as an antagonist, just as a character overall, the man is so damn good at his job. He’s got a natural gift that should always be on display. And he’s improved constantly in the ring. It’s no secret that the last year of 2016-17 has probably been his best, including the year he main evented Wrestlemania.
And yet, there are always the people that tout The Miz a little too much. The people who forget that (to no fault of The Miz’s at all) he floundered and basically did nothing of note for probably three-fifths of his career, possibly more. Miz fans are kind of like front-runners, when he’s doing nothing you don’t hear a peep, but when he’s finally in the spotlight, it’s all like, “I’ve been telling you this whole time how great he is, I’ve ALWAYS loved him!!”
And of course, there’s always the argument, brought more recently to light last year on Talking Smack, about Miz wrestling “safe” and never getting hurt versus going all out but retiring early; the debate asking if you’d take five years of a guy like Daniel Bryan or ten to fifteen years of The Miz. And this is what hurts him all around. Because the answer is always five years of someone who smashed the glass ceiling and made history over a short period of time over someone who offered very good moments every now and then but almost never truly was the entire reason for tuning in. I’ll gladly take a few years of Michael Jordan and win the championship each year while it lasts over a lifetime of Patrick Ewing who is always in the mix but never wins the big one. And I’m a Knicks fan, dammit.
In a nutshell, and without Google, what are your top 5 Miz matches of all time?
Another guy that I personally really like, but I feel like he’s someone constantly either being underrated by WWE or overrated by the fans.

Photo: Megan Elice Meadows
Oh gosh, where the hell do I start? What’s my word count here? Look, I’m not one of these typical internet guys that gets all over Triple H and whines and cries that he’s holding talent down and burying people and wah wah wah. At one point in his career, maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. Whatever. And at this point in his career, the future of WWE looks extremely bright due to his behind the scenes leadership; the man deserves a hefty dose of kudos. But that’s just it. Behind the scenes. Stay behind the scenes. Get off my television, Hunter.
It’s my firm believe that Triple H has a mental disability. When he’s off camera, it seems that the guy can’t make enough great decisions in terms of creating stories, promoting characters, signing talent, and so many other things illustrated in NXT. And then, he finds his way back on camera, turns into Triple H the performer, and the real life man basically becomes mentally retarded. And yeah I know, that’s a really strong, pretty much downright offensive thing to say about a human being. But it’s the only excuse I can come up with for how his character gets to behave on the show compared to how he would book anyone else in the scenarios he is put into. Case in point, the Roman Reigns feud leading into Wrestlemania 32. Does it make any sense for the bastard, authority heel that everyone is supposed to hate to come out in the old school jacket, looking like a badass, using taunts and administering a hell of a beating that will clearly get cheers, especially against a babyface that almost everyone seems to hate and you are trying to get over? How does that possibly make sense? There’s no way in NXT Triple H would see that script backstage and allow that to happen. But for him? Sure, why not. And again, this isn’t about burying talent. He put Reigns over in the end. It’s about unbelievably, highly questionable character decision making.
Oh yeah, we haven’t even discussed his in ring work. Much like the next person coming up on this list, he’s very technically talented in the ring. Yet, he always finds himself in high profile main events that are excruciatingly miserable to sit through. Let’s fast forward to the end of that Roman Reigns feud. You would think by now, he’d be smart enough to read the fans and realize that perhaps the match shouldn’t go on last, but if it has to, they better tear the house down after he’s failed in this department so many times. There is only so much boring heel offense people can suffer through, right? Instead, “nah, let’s just have the equivalent to a heated Raw match and have the fans sit on their hands the entire time.” Kind of like what he did at Wrestlemania 25 with…

Photo: Miguel Discart
Common comments heard about the Viper throughout the years, even from people that do not necessarily like him, is how “naturally gifted” and “silky smooth” he is in the ring. Depending on your perspective, perhaps that is true. But there may not be a duller, blander performer in the ring who has wrestled more big matches, possibly ever. I’ve been on record saying that he is the “most talented boring wrestler of all time,” which in turn, makes him actually quite a terrible wrestler.
While at first, your gut instinct might tell you that Randy is so fundamentally stellar that this is nuts, but think about it. Do you want to sit through a 25 minute Orton pay-per-view match? Watching him deliver slow, plodding, methodical offense before applying his fourth rest hold of the night? Sure, he’s very technically sound…to the point that he is practically a robot. The guy is basically an entrance and finisher pop, with nothing entertaining whatsoever in between. If anything, he should steal Karl Malone’s nickname and become the Mailman, because I’ve literally never seen anyone mail in more matches on a consistent basis, let alone not deliver on Sundays.

Photo: Miguel Discart

Photo: Miguel Discart
I pride myself on making pretty good calls on superstars well in advance before anyone realizes (cough cough, Bray Wyatt, cough cough), and I am happy to say that I sniffed out Brock’s steaming turd sandwich very early on into his post-UFC stint. It seems that some people, a few years later, are starting to catch on.
Alright, so it really didn’t start so badly at all. But then we got to the Cena match at Summerslam, the German suplex evisceration match. Which admittedly, was cool for what it was, and in fact, was something different and much needed for his character at the time. Unfortunately, this became the end of Lesnar and the beginning of Suplex City (I know, the actual term “suplex city” came a few months later at Wrestlemania). Everything after that simply turned into MASSIVE POP OMG BROCK LESNAR IS HERE! Suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex alright maybe something different will happen soon suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex hmmm maybe not suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex suplex are you still reading this suplex suplex suplex suplex…you get the idea.
I mean, how many matches in a row can I watch the same story, where 75 percent of the bout is german suplexes? This all fails to even mention him holding the top championship multiple times and not being on the show, because that’s WWE’s fault and a discussion for a different conversation. I don’t know about you, but I’ve long been done with this Brock Lesnar nonsense, it’s time for everyone to stop feeding into suplex city and turn the damn thing into a parking lot.

Photo: Megan Elice Meadows
I’m not going to lie, there’s only two reasons he is not on the official list: because everyone slobbers over Ziggler so much that I didn’t want you to see him and stop reading, and because five is a much nicer “list” number than six. Otherwise, he is absolutely on my overrated list.
For years, just about everyone has considered Dolph one of the best workers in the company. All the while, failing to notice that he botches way more than people realize, he often works too fast for his own good (which leads to said botching), and he delivers the most God-awful superkick in history. Like, seriously, of all time.
Agree with the list? Disagree and think I’m crazy? What picks would you have made for your own list? Let Doing The Job know in the comments section below, or in our wonderful Facebook Group.
Photo links:
Miguel Discart
Megan Elice Meadows
Anton Jackson
Sean Calls Out the Finn Balor / Roman Reigns Double Standard
Will WWE Draft NXT Wrestlers to Smackdown and Raw?
Announcers Fail and Roman Reigns Needs to Kill Children
Wrestlemania 32 Thoughts
Wrestlemania 32 is less that 24 hours old at the time of this writing, and with the show postponed this week, I have opted to jot down some thoughts about the event. Overall the event was lackluster. While it was certainly better than Wrestlemania 11 and 29, it probably is going to fall into the bottom 10. Let’s break it down.
Kalisto (c) Vs. Ryback
It’s no secret, I love Ryback. His cries of “wake up” and “feed me more” can be found in my fondest dreams. That being said, I’m a big fan of Kalisto and Lucha in general. This match needed to go exactly how it went and for its place on the card, I thought it was an excellent match. The fans had yet to file in, it would have been better to have more people in seats, but what can ya do?
Total Divas Vs. Team B.A.D. and Blonde
This was a match. There were wrestlers in it and they wrestled. The story being told here was very light. Eva Marie’s performance, objectively speaking, was on point. Frankly, she’s better than Lana. Speaking of Lana, what did this match settle? Brie tapping out anyone except Lana seems weak. Regardless, we got a feel-good moment of seeing a Yes Lock at Mania, probably for the last time.
Usos Vs. Dudley Boyz
The Dudleys forgot that they are heels and were babyfacing it up a bit too much. The team that decreed they were more than just a one trick pony and were going to cease pandering to the fans and getting tables, counted down and did a “get the table(s)” as if that heel turn never happened. Furthermore, the audience was pro Dudleys and booed the poor Usos. Usos winning made sense however. When they say “Us” I say “O.” ….or is it “Ooh” and “So?”
Intro & Women’s Title
I liked the video package, I failed to realize it was Sideshow Bob doing the voice over until Maggle Cole mentioned it later. The close up recreation shots of wrestlers doing signature taunts was a great touch. Also during the preshow, Lita debuted the new Women’s Title and we are leaving that butterfly belt behind. The Women’s Title looks exactly how it should look, nearly identical to the men’s Title.
Intercontinental Ladder Match
For those that listen to the show, I had said if Owens failed to retain, Ryder was my second choice, half because of going with my heart and half because it made little sense to add Ryder of all people on the roster, in place of Neville. I fully expected Owens to retain, especially with the mentioning that the Intercontinental Title has changed hands consistently at Wrestlemania for many iterations of the event. The crowd was psyched and it was a feel good moment – one of the few we’d have. The match was excellent as well, it was a spectacle and it was arguably the match of the night. Ryder, no matter what you think of him, has been a member of WWE for over a decade, the main roster alone for 9 years. The picture of him holding the IC Title as a child with (then champion) Razor Ramon juxtaposed to his picture with Scott Hall holding his title is beyond heart-warming. Also worth noting: Sami Zayn maybe the most beloved man in professional wrestling.
Jericho Vs. Styles
Again, those listening to the show might remember I was extremely conflicted with this match. I thought AJ made the most sense to win and it seemed a forgone conclusion that he would win, but the other part of me wondered if the powers that be wanted to give him a “how do you do?” from WWE and have him eat some humble pie for his first ‘Mania appearance. Welp, they did. The match was good, the problem is that we saw this match already. Nothing really new happened and that soured me on it a bit.
New Day Vs. League of Nations
New Day got a hell of an intro. I expected the League to win the match though as soon as they announced that this was a non-title match. That’s how it went down. The match was actually solid. I thought Big E was in serious trouble with that spear through the ropes spot, I’ve heard nothing to suggest there were any medical repercussions of that (knock on wood). Now, what do you do when you have a group of guys in their prime beat another group of guys in their prime that are also the Tag Team champions? You have 3 men, all 50 years old, show up for no reason and beat them all up. Way to put over your roster, WWE. I thought this was abysmal. Nostalgia for the sake of nostalgia loses its appeal very fast.
Lesner Vs. Ambrose
Well, this match is going to be amazing! These guys are gonna beat the ever-living crap outta each other and we’re gonna get a show! This might be match of the night, this might steal the show… oh. No. Nevermind. This match was about as paint by numbers as it could get. I, along with most fans, decided that this needed to go one way: Dean Ambrose wins. We have no clue of the progression of the WWE stories beyond what we see televised, but they are certainly painting a bleak future for poor Dean. He’s arguably the most over babyface in the company and they seem determined to have him come up short every time. We built up to Ambrose being passed down weapons, notably Mick Foley’s barbwire bat. He missed his swing with it and that was that. What was the point? Did someone on the writing staff (I use the term “writing” loosely) realize that they had forgot to book anything for Lesnar and Ambrose and just threw them together? Neither wrestler got to really showcase anything special and the ending of this match, Lesnar hitting an F5 (albeit on chairs) and getting an easy pinfall left most of us scratching our heads and wondering what the point was.
The Women’s Title Triple Threat
This match, although good, suffered from a few problems – problems that had nothing to do with the wrestling. The first problem is that fans expected Sasha to win, period. She lost. The other problem is that there was such a strong “this is going to be match of the night” sentiment that there was almost no way the participants could live up to the hype. That being said, it was arguably the match of the night. Between this and the Intercontinental Ladder match, you can take your pick, they are the solid two matches in the discussion. My biggest complaint about this match: Raven Felix. Seriously, this woman is a vocalist? She sounded like a drunkard singing at the bar on karaoke night. Also, I know I’m channeling my grandmother, but that’s how she dresses for a performance in front of nearly 100,000 people?

Charlotte retains the WWE Women’s Title. Photo: Sean Maggle Spurge
Undertaker Vs. Shane McMahon
I expected this to be the last match of the night and expected some kind of swerve, or interference. What we got was a very slow paced match that served to make both participants look very tired. We got one anxiety-inducing spot with Shane leaping off the top of the cell onto the commentator’s table. Suffice it to say, this match was pretty lackluster and as soon as it was apparent that it was middle of the card, I expected Taker to win – and as soon as I saw Shane McMahon’s children come out with him, I decreed that I wanted him to lose, because I hate children. Anyway, this match ending the way it did means the Authority is still in power, no matter what the outcome of the main event is. The psychology baffled me a bit on this, however. If the roster is sick of the Authority, they should have rushed the ring and all contributed to beating down the Undertaker and aiding Shane in winning the match just to abolish the Authority. Then again, no one ever accused WWE of maintaining any consistency.
Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Some stuff happened, Baron Corbin won.
The Rock… does stuff?
The Rock shows up. I noticed he had wrestling boots on right away and found that suspect. The Rock is cutting a promo in the ring and gets interrupted by the Wyatt Family. We get a half work, half shoot promo of Rocky putting Bray over, but reverting back to the Rock’s typical name-calling (haha you’re fat Bray!). After it looks like we’re on the brink of a brawl, The Rock announces this is to be a match and tears off his casual attire and has his wrestling fatigues on and is ready to go. This should have been awesome – we get an unadvertised Rock match at Wrestlemania, and with Bray Wyatt! Bray has to go over right?? He’s come up short against big names two years in a row, now it… Oh, Erick Rowan… The Rock Vs. Erick Rowan is happening, at Wrestlemania, and it’s now… 11:15 PM?? Ok, let’s be objective here, maybe it will be a good match. Rock Bottom, 123.
Well now the rest of the Wyatt Family is going to beat him up. They’re gonna bash him good. Rocky needs someone to come help him, another wrestler of his caliber that can throw down with the best of them. …AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA! …they brawl, we’re done, and no one cares.
Roman Reigns Vs. Triple H (c)
Triple H got quite the introduction. His wife, dressed like a cross between Mad Max and Weird Science explains to us all how we suck and our lives are meaningless. I did enjoy this, however. It’s the theatrics that we should have more of at Wrestlemania.
Despite Stephanie and Trips convincing us desperately that we love Roman Reigns, it’s just far from reality. I’m flabbergasted that this match actually went on last. We all were saying prior to this match that there was simply no way that it just goes on last and is paint by numbers, “baby” goes over “heel” 123 and we crown a new champion. That is, however, exactly what happened. There was no swerve, no plot twist, nothing! It was “what you see is what you get.”
What can anyone say? They did it. They did the thing we all said they’d be unable to do. They’re daring the fans to stop watching. All-in-all, on the main program, there were 2 matches worth revisiting. It was a solid card, but they ended it on such a low – the match, while passable, was just barely passable. It was far to slow and matches where two people hate each other and are being pulled apart on Raw because the participants want to kill one-another should never start with headlocks and arm drags. Sending the crowd home disappointed made it that much worse. We are now pretty much in the place we were a few months ago. Reigns is champ, Authority is in power, now what? I’m reserving hope that Raw is going to be balls-to-the-wall amazing tonight. Usually repressing the fans at ‘Mania is what leads to the crazy Raws the next night. We were spoiled the previous 2 years with pretty good Wrestlemanias and Raw the following nights was mild both times.
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